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The language subject represents in its own analysis a tool for both good writing, compression, critical observation and also complement previous knowledge with the types of readings used in the mentioned course. Participation plays a very important role in this course since there are several manifestations that revolve around a topic or topic, the relevance of this matter will be reflected in subsequent years, by purpose, it helps to cement the bases already acquired previously in this area to be able to carry out works without complications at the time of writing them or giving an opinion of the student.

We take into account that for a correct performance we necessarily need the support of certain subjects and with the help of teachers, we put into practice what we have learned, thus expressing or expressing what we want properly, on the other hand, little by little, the gravity and complexity of certain topics will be highlighted in the following years that we study each of our careers, therefore it is essential to form now a requirement in reading, writing and critical analysis for the benefit and benefit of future issues.

The great relevance that arises in this course in my trial is due to the fact that many prestigious universities do not give the maximum size to be able to show on their part a positive relationship in the study of this subject, then, they make known in At present, the lack and lack of this essential education in Peru.

Finally, I conclude that students should see the language course as something indispensable in the support and support of ideas, thoughts and contrasts in relation to our subsequent works, because we support this set of manifestations based on what has been previously learned, thus leaving a great difference in people who decide to study for interest and those who do not, these are reflected in the different representations that can occur within the praxis.

Nicole Danae Uipan Gutierrez

Fac. Medicina Humana

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